During menopause the ovaries shut down. When this occurs the adrenal glands kick in and begin producing hormones similar to those the ovaries once produced, only in smaller quantities because the woman will not be giving birth. This fact is rarely known by the layperson. If the adrenal glands are weak or sluggish during menopause, they cannot act as the ovaries’ backup organ and a person will usually start to have problems such as weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. A small part of the brain controls the ovaries. It is located right next to the temperature control center that affects perspiration, heart rate and sweating.
When the ovaries shut down during menopause, if the adrenals cannot act as the backup the way they’re supposed to, stress is placed on the controlling part of the brain. The lack of return communication from the adrenals to the brain creates stress in the perspiration center, causing a flush of heat and sweating. It could be likened to talking to or asking a question of your spouse while he or she is not responding to you. Being ignored would eventually upset you. In a similar way, your body reacts in the form of stress at the temperature center in the brain, which creates a flood of heat at any time of the day or night. That is what hot flashes are. Someone’s trying to talk, but no one is listening.
The reason why HRT often helps with hot flashes is because it gives the brain a return message—the answer it is waiting for—thus calming everything down. It’s an artificial reply, but it completes the circuit and turns off the heat. The only problem with this situation is some slight minor adverse complications seven years down the road—such as strokes, heart disease, cancer and tumors of the liver. Apart from that, it’s totally safe! I’ve observed that before age 52 the person might have a thinner waist with an Ovary body shape; then after age 52 she starts looking like an Adrenal shape (belly fat).
This is because the adrenal gland is the backup to the ovaries. The following are symptoms the Ovary type can experience from improperly working ovaries.
The first major consequence of a sluggish thyroid is a slow metabolism. Everything is slower. Brain processes can be suppressed, triggering depression, lethargy and a general apathetic feeling. A loss of libido (sex drive) can occur with a slow thyroid. It could also cause a complete loss of the menstrual cycle. Another manifestation is a feeling of being tired all the time, despite sleeping for long hours. This is chronic fatigue. Its distinct feature is feeling more awake in the morning but ready for bed at 8:00 p.m. The thyroid also controls the oil glands and blood flow to the skin. A sluggish thyroid can mean dry skin and dry, brittle hair. With a thyroid problem, a person could attempt to curl her hair and not be able to maintain the curl. She might even lose the outer third of her eyebrows.
Since the thyroid gland controls metabolism, in a non-optimum state it begins to drive body temperature to well below normal, causing cold hands and feet. Sufferers need to wear extra clothing, even in moderate climates. Some people have to wear socks to bed. What’s interesting is I’ve never met a person with cold feet who didn’t have a spouse with warm feet—I guess opposites attract.
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