The Ovary Type -->

بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

إعلان أدسنس

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The following is a description of what happens when the ovaries don’t function properly. When ovaries become dysfunctional, they can produce an excess of estrogen, which causes more fat. I have observed that this fat is deposited on “saddlebag” thighs, the lower stomach and the buttocks. The lowerstomach fat usually shows up just below the bellybutton as a bulge. Fat cells, by the way, also produce estrogen. Problems that can be caused by the ovaries include PMS (premenstrual syndrome), cravings at certain times of the month, bloating at certain times of the month, extra painful cramps and excessive menstrual bleeding, as well as depression during the menstrual cycle. Apart from that, there is no problem at all!

Many times a person with an Ovary body type experiences pain on either side of their lower-back area. Pain can also be in one of the knees, as the pain is being referred from one of the ovaries. The pictures on the following page show the changes from a normal body shape through the progressive stages of the Ovary type.

Causes of the Ovary Body Type Ovaries are very sensitive to environmental hormones. Environmental hormones are those that come from birth-control pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other external supplies of hormones that enter the body. Growth hormones fed to beef, poultry and farm-raised fish are in this category. Chemicals that mimic hormones, such as pesticides and DDT, also affect the ovaries, uterus and breasts.

 Because the ovaries produce estrogen, when these external estrogens not produced by the body enter the system, the ovaries’ own production becomes disrupted. This can create one of two situations: The ovaries increase their production of estrogen, creating more fat deposits around the hips, thighs and lower stomach. The ovaries shut down their production of estrogen. When this happens, a part of the brain has to overcompensate and increase its hormone messages for the ovaries to produce more hormones. This is similar to a boss finding an employee not doing his job; he might then begin to put pressure on this individual to get back to work! 

This second scenario is what can cause ovarian cysts and other growths. These cysts can make the affected ovary produce even more estrogen, resulting in additional fat around your thighs and hips. Pesticides on our foods can also act like estrogen and cause cysts, fibroids (fibrous growths) and tumors on the ovaries and uterus. They can create the same effect as environmental estrogens. When a woman produces extra estrogen, the thyroid can get blocked. Anytime estrogen increases, as in pregnancy, the thyroid hormones are inhibited. The person might go to the doctor and have her thyroid checked, yet it isn’t bad enough to show as being abnormal. A good endocrinologist will assess the entire endocrine system, including ovarian function.

 It only takes very small amounts of estrogen and chemicals to create these effects; but by cleaning from the diet things that mimic estrogen, one can assist in bringing these hormones and glands back into a normal balance. For the Ovary type it is important to consume organic, hormonefree foods as much as possible. 

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